Health tips By Abi

The easy and correct way to do the perfect one-minute exercise to define the abs in men

Let's not beat around the bush. The plank is a fundamental exercise in any training routine that aims to be complete. And the reasons are many and varied. Firstly, because it focuses on one area, the core, made up of several muscle groups that include the abdominal area, back, hips, pelvis and glutes, and whose strengthening is essential to improve our functional capacity at many levels. Thus, if we incorporate the plank into our training we will be able to reduce the risk of suffering injuries, we will improve postural hygiene, flexibility, coordination and balance, we will protect the internal organs to a greater degree and we will be able to prevent annoying neck and back pain. And despite the fact that it is an isometric exercise - the joints do not move and the muscles do not shorten or lengthen - it is highly effective in burning calories, losing weight and defining the abs, although it depends on the starting point and the amount of fat accumulated in the area. In addition, a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine concludes that the plank helps lower blood pressure and combat hypertension. Who can give more? How to do the perfect plank But it happens that to benefit from all its benefits it is necessary to perform it well, something that, despite its apparent simplicity, is not so obvious. In this sense, David Marchante, a graduate in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, a specialist in strength training and a disseminator of topics related to fitness and nutrition through his social profiles, shares some keys to achieving the perfect plank. “The abdominal plank is probably the most popular exercise to work the core, since it is the basic (anti)movement of the anti-extension pattern,” says the expert before listing 7 ways to get the most out of an exercise that can be completed in just over a minute. 7 keys to doing the plank well “Lying prone on the floor, place your elbows just below your shoulders and rest your forearms on the floor. The hands can be together or parallel to each other at shoulder width.” “Place your toes firmly on the ground. The more your legs are open, the more stable and powerful the exercise will be, but the less intense the exercise will be for the core.” “Keep your body straight, with pelvic retroversion and aligned at all times from head to toe.” “It’s not just about holding the position and that’s it, but you have to do strong isometric repetitions for about 8-10 seconds, as if you were trying to push the floor.” “After the maximum isometry, there will be 8-10 seconds of rest in which we lie on the floor.” “We adapt the initial position again and squeeze hard for 8-10 seconds.” “And so on until we complete the established number of repetitions.” It’s that simple. The plank can be a great exercise if we apply the wise advice of David Marchante, who advocates not paying too much attention to extreme practices that can be seen on social media. “Forget about doing endless repetitions while holding the position. As much as you see it in viral challenges, that is not the main objective of the exercise,” concludes the expert. In short, to do a perfect plank it is important to take into account two fundamental aspects. The first thing is to adopt the correct posture and, from there, we must exert force and push the body keeping the back straight and aligned with the legs. But without going crazy. A few seconds and a few repetitions with the corresponding rest are enough to enhance the benefits of this exercise. With patience and effort the abs will eventually show their face.